福榮産業株式会社 プラスチック製品企画製造販売

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Wholesale of plastic film materials

Manufacturing and provision of highly functional original film sheets

We offer a wide range of plastic products in many materials with exploiting each charactaristics that are used extensively in everyday life.

High-quality Japanese-made films

High-functionality Japanese-made films (for copying/printing)

High-functionality partitions (for elimination of static electricity/repellence of insects)

Various resin film sheets

High-functionality Japanese-made films (for heat insulation)

Business flow - production -

<1> Purchase of resins and materials

Selecting a material most suitable for the application
Materials are fabricated according to the customers' needs and application. Since each resin has unique characteristics, our experienced staff will advise the customer how best to realize the product they want.

<2> Fabrication of films

Fabricating a film from resin
Film materials in rolls are created from granulated resin. A film can be made by either of the two methods; calender and extrusion. We weigh the elements of each method and prices and fabricate the film that a customer want. We also handle export of Japanese made films and import of foreign made films.

<3> Secondary processing such as laminate

Create products with unique functions
With plastic film sheeting, various functions can be added to the original characteristics of a resin by special blending and processing. A highly functional original film sheet with multiple functions can be also produced and supplied.

Lamination is a process where layers of films are bonded together. By bonding materials with different characteristics, you can create a unique film of your own. For example if you want a material which is 'nice to touch' as well as 'waterproof', we can create it by laminating two materials that meet the objectives. Please see 'Possibilities of plastic materials' page for detail.

<4> Product delivery

Flexible delivery and shipping
We are flexible in meeting a customer's request. We can ship products from the factory, conduct examinations at our warehouse and deliver in batches. We are expert in import, export and trade processing. Please feel free to ask.

Link to Inquiries

Ask us for an estimate or for other information by phone or through internet.Please do not hesitate to make inquiries at our Company, whose special staff would be happy to wait on you.

Inquiries by phone

Please feel free to inquires at our Company over the telephone
For details about the services provided by Fukuei Sangyo, please look at the page about Our services on our website.

TEL: +81-3-3861-8181

Inquiry through internet

We respond to inquiries made through Internet also: Make inquiries by email, and one of our sales representatives will be pleased to answer by email or by phone.We also accept inquiries through internet.